MTB TrailBuddy

MTB TrailBuddy is an AI chatbot trained to help MTB enthusiasts with information on trails, gear, and riding techniques etc. It can make mistakes, so consider checking important information. Ensure questions are specific and detailed for the best results.
home-icon    news    unlock-englands-countryside-introduce-a-right-to-roam

We need the next government to pass new legislation to defend and extend the public’s right to roam. Did you know that only 8% of England's countryside has a right to public access? 

Huge swathes of our countryside are locked away behind barbed wire fences and hostile signs saying ‘Keep Out!’

England should follow the example of Scotland, Sweden, and Norway, where people have enjoyed far broader rights to access their countryside, so long as they do so responsibly. This will inevitably create far more access for mountain biking if this happens. 

Please sign the petition.


Published: 19/02//2024

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