news    opportunity-to-sponsor-a-prize-for-the-2020-ibikeride-trail-and-bike-park-of-the-year-campaign

I'm delighted to announce the iBikeRide Trail of the Year campaign is back for 2020. Despite having a break for a bit this will be the 6th time the hugely successful campaign has run. 

Previous winners include the likes of Gisburn Bike Trails, Comrie Croft, Bike Park Wales and Wind Hill B1KEPARK. The award is decided by the UK riding public and drives significant traffic and media coverage for the winning trail and the sponsors. 


The campaign for 2020 kicks off in October and ends as the bells sound at midnight on the 31st December. During this period we encourage riders to come and review and rate their favourite or less favourite trails they have ridden. 

Then at the end of the campaign we aggregate all the rider ratings and reviews written throughout the campaign. These reviews and rating scores create the winning trails, bike parks, and runners-up. The winning trail and the runners-up are announced on the 1st Jan. 


We are offering businesses and groups the opportunity to get involved by donating and sponsoring some prizes. These can be big or small.

The prizes are used as an incentive for riders to get involved and review the trails. So at the end of each month during the campaign, we offer a prize draw to riders who leave trail ratings and reviews on the iBikeRide site. Also, at the end of the year, there is a special prize for the rider who contributed the most reviews to the campaign.

So you can sponsor one of the prizes we give away each month or you can look to sponsor the top rider who contributed the most at the end of the year. You can also sponsor an award or gift to the winning trail's dig team. 

We generally look for one main prize sponsor and then up to 5 to 7 co-sponsors depending on prize makeup. 


In return, you will be rewarded through brand association and the exposure from our marketing campaign activity that is advertised site-wide and through social media campaigns. Your brand will sit on the campaign page, on the winning Trophy awarded to the winning trail, on the trails pages site-wide, the fortnightly newsletter and all associated press releases.

The campaign aims to reach over 50,000 users to the site each month, all from active mountain bike riders. In addition, there is the much broader external PR reach from the MTB, local and national press.

As well as this media exposure for yourselves there is, of course, the benefits from associating with a rider driven, authoritative, grassroots brand.

We also offer you a campaign logos for before and after the campaign, you can use to associate and promote the campaign on your site if you wish.

Interested? Get in touch. 

All the best.



Update - October 2020, Postponed until next year due to Covid sensitivities

Published: 28/08//2020

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