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Cannock Chase has got approval from Forestry England and Cannock Chase Council for a new Blue trail and some new technical trail feature enhancements to the reds. They have been awarded this as they are hosts of the Mountain Bike venue for the Commonwealth Games being held in Birmingham in 2022. 

Given the growth of popularity in Cannock in the last few years and the wear and overall sense of busyness that creates on the two existing popular reds i.e. the Monkey Trail and Follow the dog, then this is frankly very great news.


If it can be anything like the blue Verderers at the Forest of Dean or the equally awesome blue at QECP please! (both favourites), then this is even better news. Also adding some (can never have enough) technical trail features to the red will give a clear progression route for novice and intermediate riders. What's not to love?


The funding is around 900k so I'm expecting great things for that price tag. 


Some quotes: 


Andy Harvey-Coggins, Recreation Manager at Forestry England, said:  “For some time we’ve had aspirations to improve our cycling trail offer for mid-level cyclists at Cannock Chase Forest. This funding will not only allow us to build that provision, but it will also mean that we can create a bike play trail to inspire and help improve the cycling skills of the next generation of off-road cyclists, and also add more technical features to our popular red graded (difficult) mountain bike trails. This will mean we can provide a true ‘novice to expert’ off-road and traffic-free cycling offer on Cannock Chase – away from the ecologically-sensitive areas of the Chase that we want to help protect”.


Victoria Wilson, Cabinet Member for Communities and Culture at Staffordshire County Council said: “It’s great news that Cannock Chase will host the mountain biking trials for the 2022 Commonwealth Games.


“With a unique blend of stunning scenery and amazing wildlife, Cannock Chase is one of the jewels in the Staffordshire crown. And with some of the best mountain bike trails in the region, this is a great opportunity to show off our amazing county


“There’s a huge passion for cycling here in Staffordshire already and I’m sure such a high profile sports event will have a lasting legacy and encourage even more people to get on their bikes and stay active.


“The new trail being created for the competition and the legacy programme will also mean that people will be able to come and enjoy the dedicated trails whilst protecting the rest of Chase’s precious landscape.”


In the meantime check out the existing trails at Cannock Chase.


Published: 23/09//2020

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