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Forestry and Land Scotland on the 16 May kicks off the long-awaited Glentress Masterplan development.

After almost two years of COVID-19 delays the main contractor, Robertson’s Construction, will begin working on the infrastructure and facility improvements at the site that will help maintain and enhance its standing as a major tourism destination.

(NB video gives an overview of the ethos of the Masterplan covering all uses and users beyond just MTB).

The Glentress Masterplan includes new in-forest mountain bike trails (designed by On Track), walking trails, and increased visitor car parking capacity.

Paul Andrews-Garth, FLS Project Manager, said;

“After long delays due to COVID, we’re finally getting going and it’s exciting to see things happening on the ground.

“Over the course of the next few months, we will be constructing a new activity area and new trails and trail features (editor note: we are expecting 16km of new mountain bike trails and a new skills area, as well as extending the car park). We’ll also be bringing Glentress up to national and international race specifications that will make Glentress an attractive option as a venue for future events.

“We’ll also be expanding the upper car park and constructing a new access road and later in the year will refurbish and strengthen the Peel bridge and adding four new crossing bridges at various points.

“We appreciate that it has been a long wait for everyone and it’s great to be able to roll our sleeves up and finally get on with delivering the Masterplan.

“It’ll be a very busy few months and public safety will be a top priority. If visitors help us by following safety signage and following any advice or instructions from our on-site team, we believe we can get the work done without having to close any part of the site. However, we will always reserve the right to close parts of the site if health and safety issues arise.”

There will be some restrictions in place for visitors. The upper car park will be closed off, a two-way traffic system will be in place for accessing the site and safety signage and detours will be in place on the accessible trails.

Banksmen will also be on-hand to assist goods vehicles and help ensure that traffic continues to run smoothly.

Nestled in the Scottish Borders Glentress today features black, red, blue, and green trails, as well as an all-ability skills Loop and an orange graded, freeride bike park. Check out the full Glentress Mountain Bike Trail Centre iBikeRide listing where you can get full trail details, leave and read reviews, watch or post videos as well as check out and post the latest images of the track. Go check them out, Now!

Published: 15/05//2022

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