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Chicksands Bike Park famous for its friendly vibe and myriad of short downhill runs is building some great new features for 2024.

Also, they are running dig days every Saturday morning for the foreseeable and if you complete 3 you get a 6 month membership. Basically, bring your tools, meet at the office and from 9-1.30 get your dig on.

Hit by insurance challenges last year they seem to be back in full swing. They announced in Jan:

“ New things are in the works off of the bull run.  Also we’re starting a new line between the mini dh and comp line 👌 Big things coming for 2024 🥳 and thank you all for your support! “

The new trail they are working on includes a four foot ladder drop. 

They are also (in case you are a week day warrior) announced they are closed Monday days for a while whilst machinery is on site.

These new features conjure up nostalgic memories of the shore they used to have in abundance and were famous for back in the day don’t you think?

Check out the Chicksands listing here on iBikeRIde and let us know what you think of these developments in the Comments and Discussion section below.

Published: 11/02//2024

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