news    as-bikepark-wales-announce-plans-for-a-dedicated-emtb-trail-how-will-emtb-impact-the-future-of-trail-development

BikePark Wales has just had permission for a new lease that could see it double in size. A part of their plans is one for a dedicated eMTB cross-country style loop. The question we pose is what does this mean for the future of trail development and ride spots?

We recently noticed that Tarland Trails had launched a climb focussed on eMTB riders to get them back up to the top aptly called Mike's Elevator (reference: Has Tarland launched the first eMTB targeted climb? ( It was a little tongue-in-cheek but we posed the same question then. I think in all seriousness we could over the next few years be about to see a proliferation of this type of eMTB-focused trail development. 

So some context, what is happening at BikePark Wales? In June 2024 permission was granted that could see them double in size over the next few years (read more here: BikePark Wales To Double In Size ( ).

Part of this plan includes a concept for a proper eMTB cross-country loop consisting of 5 or 6 full steep tech climbs and steep tech downs. Expect a natural style, enormous fun and a bit more focus on the technicality of the ups. Part of the motivation for them and likely other bike parks as this trend takes off is e-bikes can increase potential land use and take you to places that can be trickier with an uplift for access. 

So increasing the range of where they cover and can build trails, comes with positives and increased complexity. The positives are clear, more is more. A key area of complexity though is that it increases the spread of the area they need to manage and specifically access quickly when incidents inevitably occur. All will be worked through effectively as they work through the concept planning.  

Other questions for Bike Parks will be with eMTB proliferation will riders when visiting still use the uplift in the same way as analogue riders? Many e-bike riders will already today to conserve juice, get to the top again faster, for the rest to maximise energy for the downs, and have time to have some banter with mates). How will his behaviour evolve? As the tech advances will the uplift demand drop? In time will the technicality of the ascent become part of the challenge again (I hope so) and so be an integral part of the day trip?

Looking wider as well as bike parks, what does it mean for local community ride spots, trail centres, and off-piste tracks? Let us look briefly at each in turn. 

For local community ride spots, how is the impact of eMTB affecting maintenance and design today and going forward? I'd guess maintenance is becoming trickier given the increased throughput per rider. Will 'No Dig, No Ride' become more of a reality to preserve? 

For trail centres is eMTB design at the forefront of your mind be it trail design, of charging points (probably not!). 

For Bike Parks you folks will lead so what is the new trail format for eMTB and how will it impact wider services like uplift and charging spots? 

Finally the elephant in the room question. Is trail segregation between analogue and eMTB riders an inevitability? 

If you are interested in reading more on the subject some other articles we've covered are: 

Relevant to this article last year we reported on an eMTB study: eMTB is exploding! which spoke to lots of positives but I felt it failed to highlight the increasing socio-economic divide eMTB was creating in the MTB community i.e. the entry point to ride is getting much more cost-prohibitive making the sport that much less inclusive. Some highlights from that study for ease: 

  • e-MTB riders are riding further, faster and more frequently throughout the year compared to other cyclists. Mental health was cited as the biggest benefit of riding e-MTB’s (39%). 
  • Most riders (83%) were likely to avoid trails in fragile areas and the majority of riders, particularly women, were looking for social rides with the preferred location being trail centres.
  • In the future, riders are looking for e-MTB friendly gates and barriers at trail centres, as well as for trails and trail features to be more compatible with two-wheel and adapted e-MTB’s. 
  • The demographics of e-MTB riders in Britain showed that 96% of people riding e-MTB’s are white, 15% are disabled and primarily ranged from 45-74 years old, with the majority of riders being male. In September last year, British Cycling partnered with the Colour Collective to increase the number of trained MTB leaders from diverse ethnic communities. 
  • In total, 90% said that cost was the main barrier to participation. 

BTW I've gone from being a hater to my next bike will I'm pretty sure be an eMTB (but still a year or so or maybe 5 years off as a long way till I've exhausted what my Nomad offers me). 

Hang in there folks, never a dull industry. Changes ahead.

Published: 30/06//2024

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